Student Solution


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1 University

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1 Subject

Group DQ 2_Nutrition and Health

Group DQ 2_Nutrition and Health

Q What suggestions would you have with respect to adequate protein intake for a teenage girl who reports the following: • She never eats any meats or animal derived foods because she is a vegan. On a typical day, she eats : • toast and juice for breakfast • chips, a soda and a piece of fruit for lunch • a small serving of plain pasta with tomato sauce or steamed vegetables for dinner • She takes amino acid supplements because a friend told her that the only way to get amino acids if she doesn’t eat meat is to take them as supplements. • Comment on EACH eating behavior- be respectful of her choice to be a vegan.

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If she is a vegan, it really becomes difficult to get protein as meat is not the source of protein available for her. In breakfast she is having toast and juice. It is a good option. The stomach will remain full. A slight change here in her diet could help her with the protein intake and that would be the toast she is having can be wholegrain bread. That will be healthy protein-rich food for a vegan. For lunch she is taking chips, a soda, and a piece of fruit. Well, fruit is perfect but chips and soda will only add to her weight as there are only calories in both.